various things

study hard rather than play sports

yongwoo 2009. 3. 17. 20:51

 As educational standards are higher than those in the past, parentsexpect their children to study harder in order to make progress in academic achievement.In this aspect, some people say that students should study hard rather than playsports at school. I agree with this statement and describe some reasons in thisessay.


 First of all, in Korea, thereare many students suffer from their heavy pressure of study, moreover, theenvironment of education makes them more competitive, therefore, many studentsattend to extra classes after school. Unfortunately, this situation is true inour society in 2009. So if they want to make progress in academic, they have tostudy hard as others, otherwise, they could fail to success in the competitiveenvironment even it is not their decision, they do not have a chance to choose.


 Second, the initial purpose ofschool is to delivery extensive knowledge, therefore, students have beenstudying several subjects including playing sports. Through the severalclasses, they can get information and also find their talents. One of aim ofeducation is through the broaden study, supporting study to realize theirinterest and to recognize their ability. These things can be established bywiden study and playing sports also include one of the classes.


 To sum up, main responsibilityof students are study and the school supports them not only to get knowledge butalso to find their talents through the various classes including playingsports. Moreover, if they want to achieve progress in competitive situation,they should study hard as others.