poverty and possible solutions
As the technology and
information has rapidly developed, people can live with advanced environments
but, it is also true that there are still a number of people who suffer from
poverty and famine in the world. In this essay, I will describe some reasons
why there is existed poverty and suggest solution too.
The most significant fact is
that poor countries provide less opportunity to nations to educate cause of
shortage of budget for education. Education is the best way to escape their
poverties because, it makes people more advanced so that the skillful people
can get better jobs which means they can earn more money than unskilled
positions. However, the poor countries cannot support their environment of
education such as school and technical facilities. As a result, the government
budget which is come from people’s taxes is also stood a low level and then it
makes a vicious circle unfortunately.
As I mention above, the best
solution is education but the poor government do not have ability to establish
systems, so that developed countries should support them on financially. For
instance, advanced can build several facilities in the poor country such as
technical school or factories and then they educate the poor to get employment.
As a result, poor people can makes money and can get progress through the facilities.
In addition to this, the poor government could support nations by themselves
from the people’s taxes. At the end, the poor will survive without other
country’s support.
In conclusion, weak of education
lead nation to poverty and hunger, therefore, the government should spend
budgets on facility of education as much as they can and the advanced countries
should also support the poor countries until stand up independently.