various things

enormous money and investing high technology

yongwoo 2009. 3. 28. 15:33

 It is true that advanced technology has led to people’s lives more convenient and more developed than last few decades, but it is also true that many countries have spent enormous money on investing new technology such as space exploration therefore, some people argue that the government should spend these huge budgets on their nation’s welfare or others who suffer from poverty and famine. I agree with this statement and will show some reasons in this essay.


 According to the development of technology, people can get several benefits. For instance, the satellite can bring varied beneficial effects such as, G.P.S, Digital TV and so on. In addition to this, wide range of industry fields can make profits through the advanced technology.


 On the other hand, even though, the technology has s several advantages, to invest new science like space exploration is required huge budgets. There are a number of people who are living with poor in the world even developed countries, so the rich government should spend the budget on the basic needs of the poor without the distinguished border instead of investing new tech, it will be a helpful to break financial problems in the third countries. Moreover, the money can build social facilities; school, hospital and public library, an adequate welfare system can satisfy their nation more and bring them to better life.


 To sum up, it is important to make new technology; however, to fix some problems which are more related people’s lives is more significant fact than anything, so the government should spend the budget on people and other countries.