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-2001년 12월 노무현 대선 출마선언문-
Posted by yongwoo

진심으로 존경했던 노무현 대통령...
부디 좋은곳 가셔서 편히 계시길 간절히 기도합니다. 사랑합니다...ㅠㅠ
Posted by yongwoo

2009. 5. 27. 00:44 various things


Posted by yongwoo

이걸 보자니... 왜 쥐박이가 생각나는건지... 개나,소나...쥐쉐끼나...
Posted by yongwoo

2009. 5. 18. 10:03 various things

Help me...


요즘 내가 미쳤지싶다...

아이팟터치, 자전거, 수영, 야구 그리고 게으름에... 그런데두 왜 이렇게 허전한건지...
Posted by yongwoo

오~ 4집 앨범 나왔구낭... 사고싶당~ㅋㅋㅋ 집에 씨디 들을 수 있는 장비가 항개도 없다니...ㅠㅠ

그리고 2007년 11월에 내한했었네...ㅋㅋㅋ 그때 난 모했지? 미친듯이 일했지 아마? ㅠㅠ

올해 목표!!! 좋아하는 외국밴드 공연이 있다면... 만사 재쳐 두고서라도 꼭~가기!!!
언제왔었냐... 오아시스...ㅠㅠ

Live : http://www.absoluteradio.co.uk/player/6062/tell_me_it_s_not_over__live_.html

Now the lights out
I discover, she is sleeping With another
Tell me it's not over

Posted by yongwoo

2009. 4. 2. 23:06 bands

Starsailor - Alcoholic

좋은 곡들은 언제 들어도 그노래의 맛이 살아있는듯 하다.
특히 저 피아노 연주는 내게 피아노를 배우고 싶어 할 만큼이나 강렬했다.
이런곡쯤 펍에서 멋드러지게 불러 보고싶다. 언젠가는... 
단, 피아노를 칠줄 알아야 한다는 가정과... 노래를 소화 한다는 가정하에서...ㅡ.ㅡ;;

여태까지 "Daddy wasn't alcoholic"로 들은거지... T.T

I was looking for another chance,
See your blue eyed problem.
Posted by yongwoo

It is well known true that to educate juvenile is not easy and is not efficient without a punishment, so some people believe that physical punishment is unavoidable option and sometimes needed. I do not agree with this statement and will show some reasons in this essay.


 Some people think that corporal punishment is the best ways to educate young children from the bad behaviors. When happen the punishment by their parents, the young can recognize that what they did and what the behavior bring the result through the punishments therefore, they can learn that bad behavior will make bad situation. As a result, juvenile will endeavor to stop bad actions.


 On the other hand, even though, the physical punishment will work well, it has several negative effects. Firstly, without understanding of the punishment young people tend to make bad behavior again. Thus, parents should persuade their children what is good and what is bad. Secondly, physical action can lead the young more worse. According to the some research, violence can bring another one so, if young is treated by corporal punishment, they would become more violent. Lastly, there are possible ways to discipline children instead of punishing. When young commit wrong, the parents can make their offspring some works such as cleaning their room and helping house chore. It is more educational ways to understand their faults.


 To sum up, the physical punishment is quite efficient method but, without recognizing their bad behaviors, it makes children more badly therefore, parents should find an alternative ways rather than violent punishment.

Posted by yongwoo
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No man is an island, but sometimes I feel I am an island. Every man is an island. And I stand by that.




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