It is well known true that to educate juvenile is not easy and is not efficient without a punishment, so some people believe that physical punishment is unavoidable option and sometimes needed. I do not agree with this statement and will show some reasons in this essay.


 Some people think that corporal punishment is the best ways to educate young children from the bad behaviors. When happen the punishment by their parents, the young can recognize that what they did and what the behavior bring the result through the punishments therefore, they can learn that bad behavior will make bad situation. As a result, juvenile will endeavor to stop bad actions.


 On the other hand, even though, the physical punishment will work well, it has several negative effects. Firstly, without understanding of the punishment young people tend to make bad behavior again. Thus, parents should persuade their children what is good and what is bad. Secondly, physical action can lead the young more worse. According to the some research, violence can bring another one so, if young is treated by corporal punishment, they would become more violent. Lastly, there are possible ways to discipline children instead of punishing. When young commit wrong, the parents can make their offspring some works such as cleaning their room and helping house chore. It is more educational ways to understand their faults.


 To sum up, the physical punishment is quite efficient method but, without recognizing their bad behaviors, it makes children more badly therefore, parents should find an alternative ways rather than violent punishment.

Posted by yongwoo

 It is true that advanced technology has led to people’s lives more convenient and more developed than last few decades, but it is also true that many countries have spent enormous money on investing new technology such as space exploration therefore, some people argue that the government should spend these huge budgets on their nation’s welfare or others who suffer from poverty and famine. I agree with this statement and will show some reasons in this essay.


 According to the development of technology, people can get several benefits. For instance, the satellite can bring varied beneficial effects such as, G.P.S, Digital TV and so on. In addition to this, wide range of industry fields can make profits through the advanced technology.


 On the other hand, even though, the technology has s several advantages, to invest new science like space exploration is required huge budgets. There are a number of people who are living with poor in the world even developed countries, so the rich government should spend the budget on the basic needs of the poor without the distinguished border instead of investing new tech, it will be a helpful to break financial problems in the third countries. Moreover, the money can build social facilities; school, hospital and public library, an adequate welfare system can satisfy their nation more and bring them to better life.


 To sum up, it is important to make new technology; however, to fix some problems which are more related people’s lives is more significant fact than anything, so the government should spend the budget on people and other countries.

Posted by yongwoo

2009. 3. 28. 15:30 various things

to reduce the waste

According to the development of businesses and industries, people are living on era of consumption therefore many countries have been facing some social problems such as enormous amount of waste. In this essay, I will look for how can people and governments do to reduce the waste in several ways.


 Most of all, the government should act to note nations about the serious situation and make some system too. Firstly, they carry out people to recognize the problem through varied campaigns. It will educate people to reduce a range of house wastes. Moreover, the country can make some systems. For instance, they support companies which endeavor to reduce packing the products because the less boxing product can lead to prevent wasting resources which are usually become wastes. Secondly, they strongly demand to ban using temporary bags which are provided by companies freely on wide of industry fields.


 On the other hand, one of the main wastes is built in the house. Every house creates diverse type of wastes; bottle, clothes, foods and so on. Therefore, people have to distinguish them, which can be reusable things, or cannot and most house should reduce the food wastes, it is the one that people can prevent the produce of wastes among the house wastes.


 In my opinion, to reduce a great amount of waste should make an effort both of nation and government in their possible ways because the problem of waste is responsibility on not one side but both of them.


Posted by yongwoo

 As the technology and information has rapidly developed, people can live with advanced environments but, it is also true that there are still a number of people who suffer from poverty and famine in the world. In this essay, I will describe some reasons why there is existed poverty and suggest solution too.


 The most significant fact is that poor countries provide less opportunity to nations to educate cause of shortage of budget for education. Education is the best way to escape their poverties because, it makes people more advanced so that the skillful people can get better jobs which means they can earn more money than unskilled positions. However, the poor countries cannot support their environment of education such as school and technical facilities. As a result, the government budget which is come from people’s taxes is also stood a low level and then it makes a vicious circle unfortunately.


 As I mention above, the best solution is education but the poor government do not have ability to establish systems, so that developed countries should support them on financially. For instance, advanced can build several facilities in the poor country such as technical school or factories and then they educate the poor to get employment. As a result, poor people can makes money and can get progress through the facilities. In addition to this, the poor government could support nations by themselves from the people’s taxes. At the end, the poor will survive without other country’s support.


 In conclusion, weak of education lead nation to poverty and hunger, therefore, the government should spend budgets on facility of education as much as they can and the advanced countries should also support the poor countries until stand up independently.


Posted by yongwoo

As the society become busier and more complicated, fast food has been popular across various age groups than traditional food. I agree with this statement and will show why many people prefer to fast food instead of traditional one in this essay.


 The first and most obvious reason is that modern society demands people’s quicker lift style especially in Korea. Thus, people want to eat fast food such as hamburger, noodles and retort products because it does not need to spend time preparing their meals. In addition to this, it can be more cheaper than cooking which need several ingredients and equipments to cook moreover, it does not need to wash to dishes after meal while, traditional food normally requires time and work, therefore, many people choose the easy and convenient one like junk food.


 On the other hand, it is well known that people in modern society are concerned about their health. According to some researches, fast food could be a source of disease like a heart illness so, they warn people should reduce to eat fast food if they want to keep health, and the researches indicate that traditional food provides well balanced nutrition even though it takes more time and effort. Therefore, if there are ways to cook more easily and conveniently, most people prefer to traditional food instead of fast one.


 To sum up it, it is true that fast food is more popular cause of modern life style, but traditional one has more benefits therefore, people should eat traditional food for their health.

Posted by yongwoo

 As educational standards are higher than those in the past, parentsexpect their children to study harder in order to make progress in academic achievement.In this aspect, some people say that students should study hard rather than playsports at school. I agree with this statement and describe some reasons in thisessay.


 First of all, in Korea, thereare many students suffer from their heavy pressure of study, moreover, theenvironment of education makes them more competitive, therefore, many studentsattend to extra classes after school. Unfortunately, this situation is true inour society in 2009. So if they want to make progress in academic, they have tostudy hard as others, otherwise, they could fail to success in the competitiveenvironment even it is not their decision, they do not have a chance to choose.


 Second, the initial purpose ofschool is to delivery extensive knowledge, therefore, students have beenstudying several subjects including playing sports. Through the severalclasses, they can get information and also find their talents. One of aim ofeducation is through the broaden study, supporting study to realize theirinterest and to recognize their ability. These things can be established bywiden study and playing sports also include one of the classes.


 To sum up, main responsibilityof students are study and the school supports them not only to get knowledge butalso to find their talents through the various classes including playingsports. Moreover, if they want to achieve progress in competitive situation,they should study hard as others.

Posted by yongwoo

2009. 3. 17. 20:31 various things

working mother

It is easily found that the number of working mothers is increasing in our society. Some people argue that they cannot work well at work and house at the same time. I partly agree with this statement because there are several reasons, this essay will show the reasons.


 The most obvious reason is that house works and children cares are usually relied on women side in our society so, they cannot concentrate their energy and passion on work only. As a result, they cannot make output as much as they can, it is a our problem and our loss in business and at home.


 It is difficult to do two things at once therefore they need a support from family members and government. For example, if the government provides some facilities for working parents’ offspring like a school, women can get rid of stress from the child care during the working hours. Moreover, if men help house work more, most of women can work better because can save their time and energy for work.


 On the other hand, if they cannot get a job since their house work and children, it would be unfair and they do not want to make family and children. It will bring more problems to our society. Thus, the government should establish system for working parents to prevent from any kinds of disadvantages.


 In conclusion, working mothers are unavoidable situation in our society, so the government should support them to reduce their facing problems and stresses.

Posted by yongwoo

 In the last few decades, there are many countries where have developed nuclear technology in several ways and for several reasons. However, some people say that the nuclear technology has made world peace threatened so, in this essay, I will describe what are its advantages and disadvantages.


 First of all, nuclear power station is very useful to generate energy compare with fossils moreover, it can provide cheaper energy to industries and people, it is also used to cure some part of medical treatments in hospital. So that if people use it to efficient ways, the nuclear technology could be significant resources in our lives.


 On the other hand, even though there are many benefits to use nuclear technology, we cannot forget that nuclear technology has been used negatively such as, nuclear weapons. In pact, many countries have tired to make nuclear bomb because it is very seriously harmful to human body so, it make world conditions threatened and worse. In addition, it has problem of nuclear wastes and most of countries where use nuclear energy tends to export the wastes to emerging countries with expense cause they know that the danger of radiations of nuclear.


 To sum up, nuclear technology has positive uses, but at the same time, it is dangerous. However, it can be beneficial, if we use it wisely as a positive resource.


Posted by yongwoo
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